
الصورة تتحدث - 5

مصر في عيون العالم
مستعار من م مديحة قرقر

شافيز: شعب مصر قدم درسا عبقريا في النضج السياسي والديمقراطي

How the Westerners appreciated the EGYPTIAN revolution

Barack Obama: We must educate our children to become like young Egyptian people.

Britain's Prime Minister: We must consider teaching the Egyptian revolution in schools.

CNN: For the first time, we see people make a revolution and then clean the streets afterwards.

Prime Minister of Italy: There is nothing new in Egypt. Egyptians are making history as usual.

Stoltenberg, Prime Minister of Norway: Today we are all Egyptians.

Austrian President Heinz Fischer: The people of Egypt, are the greatest people of earth; and they deserve a Nobel Prize for Peace

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